We travel across the UK, working in bars, clubs, beer gardens and even rooftop gardens to create visually striking artwork which promotes brands such as Heineken, Sol, Fosters and Coors.
Most of our customers are brewers or distillers. Often we’re working alongside their Sales or Marketing Directors, Brand Managers and design teams, following their creative briefs to transform walls and spaces, and ultimately sell products. Sometimes though we’re given a free rein to come up with our own ideas – usually we go to town! Whichever way, we know for the promo to work it must have a massive impact, so we pull out all the stops to create something spectacular.
One of the bits we love best is the response we get while we work. The whole process is one big promotional activity, as people stop for a look at what we’re doing and have their own (not so) private discussions on what it might be.
We’re continuously developing our craft, skills and techniques and are currently working to bring back the fine Glaswegian tradition of handcrafted mirrors, creating bespoke advertising on glass. We train with the leading gold leaf glass artist in the business, David A Smith, and most recently took part in a glass gilding course at his studio in Torquay. We love to challenge ourselves like this and keep our place among the best.